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Server Sync
Julius avatar
Written by Julius
Updated over a week ago

Follow these steps to sync your ExploreMyPC project on your server in real time.

Important: You need PHP installed on your server in order for the Server Sync to work. You can use this publishing option only in the ExploreMyPC Agency plan and your project will be hosted by you on your server.

1. Click the Publish link on your project


2. Select Server Sync in the popup


3. Unzip the archive you just downloaded, and inside the ExploreMyPC folder you'll find a bunch of folders and files.


4. Important: Do this step before uploading the files on your server.

This step will help with the redirects for both http:// to https:// and non-www. to www. when you write the address in the

Open the .htaccess in any text editor and remove the hashtags from the lines in the middle, we've pointed to the # that need to be removed with arrows in the screen below.

(If you are using a Mac files like .htaccess are usually hidden, here is a guide on how to make them visible)


After you've removed the 5 # your file should look like this:


Save the file.

5. Upload the files on your server. It can be anywhere you like, in a folder or the root of your server.

Note: If you upload the files through CPanel, you might not be allowed to upload folders. Zip the files again, upload the .zip then extract it directly on the server.


6. (Skip this step if you upload the files in the root of your server and not in a folder)

Important: If you upload the files in a folder, the folder needs to have 775 or 755 file permissions set (depending on your server configuration.). Try both if one or the other doesn't do the trick.

Right click the folder and choose File permissions.


Set the numeric value to 755 (or 775 if 755 doesn't work).


(Keep in mind: the screens above are from FileZilla FTP client, if you are using another FTP program, the file permissions settings might look different, have other labels, etc)

7. Access the folder in your browser to begin the install and synchronisation process.

Let's take this example, I've uploaded the sync scripts into a folder named landing-page. All I have to do at this point is access this folder in the browser and the auto install scripts will do the rest:


If you upload the files in the root of your server, you'll access the root domain in order to start the sync process, and that is

From now on, when you modify something in your ExploreMyPC project and press the Update button, it will get synced live on your server.

IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that the sync process doesn't happen instantly. It takes a couple of minutes before you can see the modifications on your domain.

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